IAHR Congress and Conference Proceedings

The proceedings of the congresses and conferences arranged by the IAHR are published in various quarters, usually at the discretion of the hosting national associations. The proceedings currently available are as follows:

Proceedings of the major IAHR congresses

Paris 1900 Brussels 1935 Stockholm 1970 Durban 2000
Basel 1904 Amsterdam 1950 Lancaster 1975 Tokyo 2005
Oxford 1908 Rome 1955 Winnipeg 1980 Toronto 2010
Leiden 1912 Tokyo/Kyoto 1958 Sydney 1985 Erfurt 2015
Paris 1923 Marburg 1960 Rome 1990 Otago 2020
Lund 1929 Claremont 1965 Mexico City 1995  

Proceedings of the regional and special IAHR conferences

Strasbourg 1964 Harare 1992 Boston 1998 New Delhi 2005
Messina 1966 Beijing 1992 Nairobi 1999 Bucharest 2006
Jerusalem 1968 Paris 1993 Brno 1999 Bangkok 2007
Turku 1973 Brno 1994 Cracow 2000 Stockholm 2007
Warsaw 1979 Aarhus 1996 Wellington 2002 Gaborone 2007
Marburg 1988 Bogotá 1996 Bergen 2003 Ankara 2007
Warsaw 1989 Florence 1996 New Delhi 2003 Brno 2008
Groningen 1989 Turku 1997 Lagon 2004  
Helsinki 1990 Salerno 1997 Santander 2004  
Burlington 1991 Hildesheim 1998 Yogyakarta 2004  

Proceedings of the Major Congresses of the IAHR

Paris 1900

Actes du Premier Congrès International d'Histoire des Religions (Part 1: Séances générales. Part 2: Séances des sections. 3 fasc.). 2 vols. Part 1: xxi, 246pp. Part 2: fasc.1, 143pp., fasc.2, 177, fasc.3, 163pp.
Edited by Jean Réville.
Paris: Ernest Leroux, Part 1: 1901, Part 2: 1902. (Préface dated1903).

Basel 1904

Verhandlungen des II. Internationalen Kongresses für Allgemeine Religionsgeschichte. viii, 382pp.
Edited by Organizing Committee of Congress.
Basel: von Helbig und Lichtenhahn 1905.

Oxford 1908

Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of Religions. 2 vols. Part 1: 327pp. Part 2: 457pp.
Edited by P. S. Allen and J. de Johnson.
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1908.

Leiden 1912

Actes du IVe Congrès International d'Histoire des Religions. 172 pp.
Edited by Congress Organizing Committee.
Leiden: Brill 1913.

Paris 1923

Actes du Congrès International d'Histoire des Religions. Liste des Membres du Congrès - Programme des Travaux. 2 vols., plus "Liste des Membres du Congrès - Programme des Travaux". Vol. I: 519pp., II: 466pp., "Liste des Membres du Congrès - Programme des Travaux": 32pp.
Edited by Congress Organizing Committee.
Paris: Librarie Ancienne Honoré Champion 1925.
It remained unclear whether this congress belonged formally to the series of IAHR Congresses, and the numeration was resumed with the Congress at Lund which followed it.

Lund 1929

Actes du Ve Congrès International d'Histoire des Religions. 346 pp.
Edited by Congress Organizing Committee.
Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup 1930.

Brussels 1935

Mélanges Franz Cumont. 2 vols., 1047 pp.
Edited by Comité Directeur et Collaborateurs de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire.
Brussels: Université Libre 1936.
This volume was not explicitly published as proceedings but contains, in effect, the proceedings of the sixth IAHR Congress, held in Brussels.

Amsterdam 1950

Proceedings of the 7th Congress for the History of Religions. 193 pp.
Edited by C. J. Bleeker, G. W. J. Drewes and K. A. H. Hidding.
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company 1951.

Rome 1955

Atti dell'VIII Congresso Internazionale di Storia delle Religioni. vii, 499pp.
Edited by Raffaele Pettazzoni.
Firenze: G. C. Sansoni 1956.

Tokyo/Kyoto 1958

Proceedings of the IXth International Congress for the History of Religions, Tokyo and Kyoto, 1958. xiv, 914pp.
Edited by Congress Organising Committee
Tokyo: Maruzen 1960.
This Congress was assigned a number in the sequence of major Congresses of the IAHR, although it did not fall into the five-year rhythm otherwise maintained from 1950 onwards.

Marburg 1960

X. Internationaler Kongress für Religionsgeschichte, Marburg 1960. 241 pp.
Edited by Congress Organizing Committee.
Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag 1961.

Claremont 1965

Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Claremont, CA. I The Impact of Modern Culture on Traditional Religions. II Guilt or Pollution and Rites of Purification. III The Role of Historical Scholarship in Changing the Relations among Religions. 3 vols. I: 181pp., II: 211pp., III: 89pp. Edited by C. J. Bleeker.Leiden: Brill 1968.

Stockholm 1970

Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Stockholm 1970. vii, 350pp.
Edited by C. J. Bleeker, Geo Widengren and Eric J. Sharpe.
Leiden: Brill 1975.

Lancaster 1975

History of Religions: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, 1975. 188pp.
Edited by Peter McKenzie and Michael Pye.
Leicester: Department of Religion, University of Leicester 1979.

Winnipeg 1980

Traditions in Contact and Change. Selected Proceedings of the XIVth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. ix, 755pp.
Edited by Peter Slater and Donald Wiebe.
Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press 1983.

Sydney 1985

Identity Issues and World Religions: Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, 1985. 293pp.
Edited by Victor C. Hayes.
Netley: Wakefield Press 1986.

Rome 1990

The Notion of "Religion" in Comparative Research: Selected Proceedings of the XVIth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Rome, 3rd-8th September, 1990. 921pp.
Edited by Ugo Bianchi in cooperation with Fabio Mora and Lorenzo Bianchi.
Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider 1994.

Spin-off Volume:

Religion and Gender. xi, 324pp.
Edited by Ursula King.
Oxford & Cambridge: Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995.
These are revised papers read at a panel during the congress.

Mexico City 1995

Religion and Society: Proceedings of the 17th Quinquennial Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), Mexico City, 5-12 August 1995, organised by the Sociedad Mexicana para el Estudio de las Religiónes (SMER) and the Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio de las Religiones (ALER), at the Claustro de Sor Juana. 159pp.
Edited by Yólotl González Torres and Michael Pye.
Cambridge: Roots and Branches 2003.

Besides the official proceedings of IAHR congresses, the Executive Committee established a process of inviting organizers of symposia, panels and other events at an IAHR congress to propose, subject to approval, the publication of "Adjunct Proceedings".

Adjunct Proceedings:

Perspectives on Method and Theory in the Study of Religion: Adjunct Proceedings of the XVIIth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Mexico City, 1995. vi, 347pp.
Edited by Armin W. Geertz and Russell T. McCutcheon.
Leiden: Brill 2000. Reprinted from: Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. Journal of the North American Association for the Study of Religion 12 (1/2), 2000.

Gender / Bodies / Religions: Adjunct Proceedings of the XVIIth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. 363pp.Edited by Sylvia Marcos.Cuernavaca: ALER Publications 2000.
Translated to the Turkish by Sibel Ozbudun , Balki Safak, Ilker Cayla under the title Bedenler, Dinler ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Ankara, Utopya Yayinevi, 2006 (ISBN: 975-6361-35-2)

Spin-off Volumes:

Sectas o iglesias viejos o nuevos movimientos religiosos. 557pp.
Compiled by Elio Masferrer Kan.
San Rafael: Asociación Latinoamericana para el estudio de las Religiones (ALER) and Editorial Plaza y Valdés 1998.

Symposium on Religion and Gender. pp. 307-411.
Special issue of Religion. An International Journal 28, 1998.
Edited by Sylvia Marcos and Rosalind I. J. Hackett.

Western Esotericism and the Science of Religion: Selected Papers presented at the 17th Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Mexico City 1995. (Gnostica: Texts and Interpretations). xvii, 309pp.
Edited by Antoine Faivre and Wouter J. Ganegraaff.
Leuven: Peeters 1998.

Cover PageDurban 2000

History of Religions: Origins and Visions. Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. (The page and paper size of the Durban Proceedings pdf is 156mm x 234mm)
Edited by Rosalind I. J. Hackett and Michael Pye.
Cambridge: Roots and Branches, 2010).

Adjunct Proceedings:

Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religion: Adjunct Proceedings of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Durban, South Africa, 2000. 281pp.
Edited by Luther H. Martin & Panayotis Pachis.
Thessaloniki: University Studio Press 2003.

The Interface between Research and Dialogue: Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa. Adjunct Proceedings of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (5-11 August 2000, Durban/South Africa). vii, 176pp.
Edited by Klaus Hock.
Münster: LIT Verlag 2004.

Spin-off publications:

"A Twice-Told Tale: the History of the History of Religions' History," Numen. International Review for the History of Religions XLVIII (2), 2001, pp. 131-146.
By Jonathan Z. Smith.
A plenary address transmitted to the congress from Chicago by video broadcast.

Papers from the sessions on "Comparativism then and now: Stocktaking and critical issues in the formation of cross-cultural knowledge" were published in a special issue of Numen. International Review for the History of Religions XLVIII (3), 2001:
"Universals, General Terms and the Comparative Study of Religion," pp. 238-266, by Jeppe Sinding Jensen.
"Comparison: Some Suggestions for Improving the Inevitable," pp. 267-275, by Benson Saler.
"Universals Revisited: Human Behaviors and Cultural Variations," pp. 276-289, by William E. Paden.
"Comparativism and Sociobiological Theory," pp. 290-308, by Luther H. Martin.
"Comparative Religion, Taxonomies and 19th Century Philosophies of Science: Chantepie de la Saussaye and Tiele," pp. 309-338, by Thomas Ryba.
"In Defense of the Comparative Method," pp. 339-373, by Robert A. Segal.


Tokyo 2005Tokyo 2005

IAHR World Congress Proceedings,Tokyo 2005. Religion and Society: An Agenda for the 21st Century.
Edited by Brian Bocking.
Cambridge: Roots and Branches, 2010.

Adjunct Proceedings:

Gerrie ter Haar and Yoshio Tsuruoka (eds.), Religion and Society: An Agenda for the 21st Century. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007. Published in the series International Studies in Religion and Society (ISRS), volume 5. ISSN: 1573-4293. 306 pp.

In Japanese a similar volume of key contributions has been edited by Susumu Shimazona, Gerrie ter Haar, and Yoshio Tsuruoka: Shukyo: Sokoku to Heiwa (Religon:Conflict and Peace) published by Akiyama‐Shoten, Tokyo 2008.

Spin-off publications:

Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World: A Cognitive Modeling of History of Religious Research. Acts of the Panel held during the XIX Congress of the International Association of History of Religions (IAHR), Tokyo, Japan, March 2005   
Edited by Luther H. Martin and Panayotis Pachis, Vanias Editions, Thessaloniki 2009. ISBN: 978-960-288-242-9

The Practice of Altruism: Caring and Religion in Global Perspective. Edited by Ruben Habito & Keishin Inaba, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006. the publication resulted from a session chaired by the two editors. Not all chapters included are based on papers presented at the Congress.  

Peace Education and Religious Plurality: International Perspectives. Edited by Robert Jackson & Satoko Fujiwara eds.Routledge, 2008. The publication resulted from a session chaired by the two editors. Not all chapters included are based on papers presented at the Congress.

Religion, Science and Sustainability, Edited by Takeshi Kimura, Union Press, 2008. The publication resulted from a session at the Congress. Not all chapters included are based on papers presented at the Congress.

Major journals have devoted special issues to Congress papers:

Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, volume 32, no.2 (2005) was devoted to articles emanating from the Congress.  

Shukyo kenkyu (Journal of Religious Studies) vol.79‐2, no.245, Sept. 2005 published a collection of papers and responses (in Japanese) under the heading 'reports on the 19th World Congress of the IAHR in Tokyo’ (pp.1‐144).

Temenos, Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, vol 41, no 2, 2005(Knott, Anttonen, Kunin, Kong) published a number of papers from the panel on ‘Religion, the sacred, and spaces of contetation, segregation and difference’. Details can be found at http://www.hum.utu.fi/uskontotiede/temenos412.pdf.

The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, 34, November 2005 published a collection (guest edited by Jack Llewellyn) of papers presented in Tokyo.

Religion 39/4 2009, a special issue guest edited by Bryan Rennie who organized two sessions on ‘The Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion’ published six papers from that session and an introduction tand two responses . A seventh revised  paper also presented in that session was published separately in Religion 40/1, 2010, 1-13.

See also:

Werner, Karel, "Buddhism and Peace: Peace in the World or Peace of Mind?",
International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, Volume 5, (Dongguk
University, Seoul, February 2005), 7-33.

Werner, Karel, "IAHR and Japan: A Review Article", British Association for
the Study of Religions Bulletin
No 105 (June 2005), 11-12, & "Discussion", British Association for the Study of Religions Bulletin No 106 (November 2005), pp. 52-53.)


Teruo Utsunomia, “Life, Death, and Technology: The Role of Religion in the Acceptance of New Biomedical Technologies,” The Annual Report on Cultural Science, The Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, No. 118, 2006, pp.1-12.

Charles Ess (with Akira Kawabata and Hiroyuki Kurosaki), “Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Religion and Computer-Mediated Communication,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(3), 2007 (April), pp.939-955, 977-1042.


ProceedingsToronto 2010

IAHR World Congress Proceedings, Toronto 2010. Religion: A Human Phenomenon.
Edited by Donald Wiebe



Erfurt 2015

Dynamics of Religion: Past and Present. Proceedings of the XXI World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions
Ed. by Bochinger, Christoph / Rüpke, Jörg



Otago 2020

Records of Papers and Panels Accepted for Presentation at the XXIInd World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions




Proceedings of the Regional and Special Conferences of the IAHR

Strasbourg 1964

Initiation. Contributions to the Theme of the Study Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, Strasbourg, Sept. 17th-22nd 1964. viii, 309pp.
Edited by C. J. Bleeker. Leiden: Brill 1965.

Messina 1966

Le Origini dello Gnosticismo: Colloquio di Messina 13-18 Aprile 1966. Testi e Discussioni. xxxii, 803pp.
Edited by Ugo Bianchi.Leiden: Brill 1967, 19702.

Jerusalem 1968

Types of Redemption: Contributions to the Theme of the Study Conference held at Jerusalem 14th-19th July 1968. 261pp.
Edited by R. J. Zwi Werblowsky and C. J. Bleeker. Leiden: Brill 1970.

Turku 1973

Science of Religion: Studies in Methodology. Proceedings of the Study Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions held in Turku, Finland, August 27-31, 1973. 629pp.
Edited by Lauri Honko.
The Hague: Mouton 1979.

Warsaw 1979

Current Progress in the Methodology of the Science of Religions. 308pp.
Edited by Witold Tyloch.
Warsaw: Polish Society for the Science of Religions 1984.

Marburg 1988

Marburg Revisited: Institutions and Strategies in the Study of Religion. 164pp.
Edited by Michael Pye.
Marburg: diagonal-Verlag 1989.

Warsaw 1989

Studies on Religions in the Context of Social Sciences: Methodological and Theoretical Relations. 226pp.
Edited by Witold Tyloch.
Warsaw: Polish Society for the Science of Religions 1990.

Groningen 1989

Religionswissenschaft und Kulturkritik: Beiträge zur Konferenz The History of Religions and the Critique of Culture in the Days of Gerardus van der Leeuw (1890-1950). 399pp.
Edited by Hans G. Kippenberg and Brigitte Luchesi.
Marburg: diagonal-Verlag 1991.
Though not stated explicitly in the publication, the conference took place with the official status of a Regional Conference of the IAHR.

Helsinki 1990

Northern Religions and Shamanism. The Regional Conference of the International Association of the History of Religions, Selected Papers. 214pp.
Edited by Mihály Hoppál and Juha Pentikäinen.
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó and Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society 1992.

Burlington 1991

Religious Transformations and Socio-Political Change: Eastern Europe and Latin America. 457pp.
Edited by Luther H. Martin.
Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1993.

Harare 1992

The Study of Religions in Africa: Past, Present and Prospects. Proceedings of the Regional Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, Harare, Zimbabwe 1992. 393pp.
Edited by Jan Platvoet, James Cox and Jacob Olupona.
Cambride: Roots and Branches 1996.

Beijing 1992

Religion and Modernization in China: Proceedings of the Regional Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, Beijing, China, April 1992. 346pp.
Edited by Dai Kangsheng, Zhang Xinying and Michael Pye.
Cambridge: Roots and Branches 1995.
The contents of this volume also appeared in Chinese in the journal Shijie Zongjiao Ziliao (92/4 and 93/1).

Paris 1993

An IAHR Special Conference. No proceedings published.

Brno 1994

Religions in Contact: Selected Proceedings of the Special IAHR Conference Held in Brno, August 23-26, 1994. 228pp.
Edited by Iva Doleñalová, Bretislav Horyna and Dalibor Papoušek.
Brno: Czech Society for the Study of Religions & Institute for the Study of Religions of the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University 1996.

Aarhus 1996

Rationality and the Study of Religion. 221pp.
Edited by Jeppe Sinding Jensen and Luther H. Martin.
Aarhus: Aarhus University Press 1997.
Although this is not stated explicitly in the publication, the conference took place with the official status of a Special Conference of the IAHR, while being at the same time a workshop for doctoral students from the Nordic countries.

Bogotá 1996

Religion y Etnicidad en America Latina: Memorias del VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Religion y Etnicidad ALER y II Encuentro de la diversidad del hecho religioso en Colombia ICER. 3 vols., I: vii, 391pp., II: vii, 447pp., III: vii, 449pp.
Although this is not stated explicitly in the publication, the conference took place with the official status of a Regional Conference of the IAHR.

Florence 1996

An IAHR Co-Sponsored colloquium. No proceedings published.

Turku 1997

Approaching Religion. Part I. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Methodology in the Study of Religions Held at Åbo, Finland, on the 4th-7th August 1997. 310pp.
Edited by Tore Ahlbäck.
Åbo: The Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History & Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International 1999.

Salerno 1997

Ugo Bianchi: Una vita per la storia delle religioni. (Biblioteca di storia delle religioni, 3). 525pp.
Edited by Giovanni Casadio.
Rome: "il Calamo" 2002.
The proceedings of an IAHR Co-Sponsored Memorial Conference for Ugo Bianchi.

Hildesheim 1998

An IAHR Regional Conference. No proceedings published.

Boston 1998

A joint IAHR and NAASR Round Table at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy. The papers have been published or are currently in press in several different journals.

Nairobi 1999

An IAHR Regional Conference. Proceedings are published: J.N.K. Mugambi & Mary N. Getui (eds.) 2004, Religions in Eastern Africa under Globalization. Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 267 pp., ISBN 9966-888-73-X


Brno 1999

The Academic Study of Religion during the Cold War East and West. (Toronto Studies in Religion, 27). xviii, 336pp. Edited by Iva Doleñalová, Luther H. Martin, and Dalibor Papoušek.
New York: Peter Lang 2001.

Cracow 2000

An IAHR Special Conference. No proceedings have been published.

Wellington 2002

What Is Religion For? x, 346pp.
Edited by Joseph Bulbulia and Paul Morris
Wellington: New Zealand Association for the Study of Religions/Religious Studies Programme, The School of Art History, Classics, and Religious Studies, Victoria University 2004.

Bergen 2003

Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation: Lesson from Antiquity
Edited by. Luther H. Martin and Panyotis Pachis
Vanias Publications, Thessaloniki 2004 (Acts of the Panel held during the 3rd Congress of the EASR, Bergen, Norway, 8-10 May 2003).
An IAHR Special Conference. Some other individual papers will be published in various journals.

New Delhi 2003

An IAHR Regional Conference. Proceedings are underway.

Lagon 2004

An IAHR Regional Conference. Proceedings are underway.

Santander 2004

An IAHR Special Conference. A selection of the papers has been published as vol. 2 of the Review Bandue in 2008.

Yogyakarta and Semarang 2004

Religious Harmony: Problems, Practice and Education, XXVI + 324p.
Edited by Wasim, A. T. / Mas'ud /A. Franke, E. and Pye, M. Yogyakarta: Oasis Publisher, 2005 (ISBN 979-97829-2-0)

New Delhi 2005

An IAHR Regional Conference. Proceedings are underway.

Bucharest 2006

Proceedings of the conference appeared in four volumes in five parts in the two Romanian journals Archaeus and Studia Asiatica (2008-2010) and in two volumes of Etudes Classiques (2007-2008):

Archaeus, vol. 11 & 12, 2007-2008, Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference "Religious History of Europe and Asia", Bucharest  20-23 September, 2006, vol. 1, general editor: Eugen Ciurtin.

Archaeus, vol. 13, 2009, Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference "Religious History of Europe and Asia", Bucharest  20-23 September, 2006, vol. 2, general editor: Eugen Ciurtin.

Archaeus, vol. 14, 2010, Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference "Religious History of Europe and Asia", Bucharest  20-23 September, 2006, vol. 3, general editor: Eugen Ciurtin.

Table of contents:


Gaborone 2007

An IAHR Regional Conference. Proceedings are underway.

Stockholm 2007

Religion on the Borders: New Challenges in the Academic Study of Religion, eds. David Thurfjell and Peter Jackson, Stockholm: Södertörn University Press, 2009 pp. 223 ISBN: 978-91-978194-0-4)
Selected Proceedings from the IAHR Special Conference "Religion on the Borders: New Challenges in the Academic Study of Religion", 19–22 April 2007, Södertörn University College (Stockholm, Sweden)

Bangkok 2007

An IAHR Regional Conference. Proceedings are underway.

Ankara 2007

An IAHR Special Conference. Proceedings are underway.

Brno 2008

Antes, Peter: The study of religions on demand, in Religio. Revue pro religionitisku XVII/2009/2, 111-124.

Wiebe, Donald: Religious biases in funding religious studies research? <http://digilib.phil.muni.cz/handle/11222.digilib/125290> in Religio. Revue pro religionitisku XVII/2009/2, 125-140.

Baumann, Martin: Temples, cupolas, minarets : public space as contested terrain in contemporary Switzerland <http://digilib.phil.muni.cz/handle/11222.digilib/125291>, in Religio. Revue pro religionitisku XVII/2009/2, 141-154.

Whitehouse, Harvey:  Teorie dvou modů náboženskosti Variant title: The theory of modes of religiosity
<http://digilib.phil.muni.cz/handle/11222.digilib/125295>, in Religio. Revue pro religionitisku XVII/2009/2, 209-230.



As far as is known the following proceedings are currently in print.


  • Lancaster 1975: limited number available through IAHR only
  • Winnipeg 1980: limited reprint in preparation (contact IAHR)
  • Sydney 1985
  • Rome 1990
  • Mexico City 1995

Regional and Special conferences: Turku 1973, Marburg 1988, Groningen 1989, Helsinki 1990, Burlington 1991, Beijing 1992, Harare 1992, Brno 1994, Aarhus 1996, Bogotá 1996, Turku 1997, Salerno 1997, Brno 1999.

In case of difficulty apply to one of the officers (sp. publications officer) of the IAHR.