Steering Committee
Darlene Juschka
Women's Studies
University of Regina
Regina, SK
S4S 0A2
Areas of Specialization
- Gender as a category of analysis
- Sex as a category of analysis
- Feminist theories
- Feminist epistemologies/ epistemology
- Ethnography
- Symbol, myth and ritual
- Discourse analysis
- Folk religions
- Religion and healing
- Greek and Roman religions
- Comparative study of religion
Areas of Interest
- Feminist methods and theories and epistemologies
- Approaches to the study of religion: method and theory
- Symbol, myth, and ritual - ancient and modern
- Folk religions, shamanism, possession
- Comparative study of religion
- Classical Greek and Roman religions
- Rituals associated with death and burial: Ancient and Modern
- Religion and popular culture
- Gender and sexuality studies
- Women in history/feminist history
- Women in the ancient world: Minoan, Mycenaean and classical Greece, Hellenistic world, Greco-roman, and Mesopotamia
Major Relevant Publications
- Darlene Juschka, Feminism in the Study of Religion: A Reader. Continuum. June, 2001.
- Darlene Juschka, "Interdisciplinarity in Religious and Women's Studies," Studies in Religion, 35/3-4 (2006): 389-399.
- Darlene Juschka, "Spectacles of Gender: Enacting the Masculine in Ancient Rome and Modern Cinema," Religious Studies and Theology, Special Volume: Materializing Roman Religion, Guest Editor Lisa Hughes, 24 (1) 2005, 75-110
- Darlene Juschka, "Gender," In John Hinnells (ed.), The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion, 225-238, London and New York: Routledge, 2005
- Darlene Juschka, "Cladistics, Morphologies, Taxonomies and the Comparative Study of Religion," Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 16 (1), 2004, 12-23
- Darlene Juschka, "The Writing of Ethnography: Magical Realism and Michael Taussig," Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 4 (4), 2003, 84-105
Other Information of Interest
- Executive Board Regina Women's Community Centre and Sexual Assault Line 2006-
- Executive Committee LEAF (Women's Legal Aid and Education Action Fund) 2005-
- Treasurer Canadian Women's Studies Association (2006-2008)
- MAL Canadian Women's Studies Association (2003-2006)
- MAL Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (2003-2006)
- Secretary Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (2000-2003)